Appeal to our friends and supporters to vote for
President George W. Bush
The upcoming U.S. Presidential election will affect the Lebanese in Lebanon more than any election in this country's history or any election taking place in Lebanon under Syria's occupation. As Americans of Lebanese descent, there is no clearer choice for us than to reelect President George W. Bush. President Bush is seeking a fundamental change in the region. We are all painfully aware of the last American peace keeping mission in Lebanon. Lets not risk a New Jersey battleship style retreat that may be brought about by a new administration eager to normalize relations at any price.
President Bush is standing up to the Jihadists like no other President in U.S. history. While his opponent wants to limit the war on terrorism to Afghanistan, the President knows what regimes are supporting the terrorists. In WWII, America was attacked by Japan causing the U.S. to enter the war, but when we entered the war we did not limit ourselves to attacking Japan. We understood the threats facing us from fascist regimes both in Europe and Japan. Under thisĀ Administration's leadership we obtained the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act, and the UNSC resolution 1559 calling for the withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon and the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias on its soils.
We urge you to vote for President Bush on November 2nd, take a friend with you to vote, and spread the word in our communities. We may never get another chance to fundamentally change the face of the Middle East and secure the withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon. Lets act now!
This appeal is endorsed by:
Joseph Gebeily
John Hajjar
Joseph Hage
Mel Zohrob
Tom Harb
Tony BouSamra
Walid Phares