World Council For The Cedars Revolution (WCCR)

Lebanese in Lebanon and in the Diaspora Applaud US House Foreign Affairs Committee
Written by Administrator

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

The WCCR and Lebanese worldwide applaud and thank Congressman Howard L. Berman, Congressman Gary L. Ackerman, Congressman Darrell Issa, and all the members of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee and US Congress supporting a free and democratic Lebanon. Spokesman WCCR and CRNews.

"Ackerman Applauds Committee Action on Lebanon"

Washington, DC - Congressman Gary L. Ackerman (D - Queens / Long Island) today praised the unanimous adoption by the House Foreign Affairs Committee of a resolution (attached) reaffirming Congressional support for the besieged government of Lebanon. Ackerman, the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East & South Asia, helped draft the resolution, H. Res. 1194, which harshly condemns Iran and Syria, and their Lebanese proxy, the terrorist group Hizballah, for attacking the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon's government. The resolution, which was introduced by Rep. Howard Berman, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, is expected to be on the House floor next week.

Ackerman, Lebanon's most active champion in the House, praised the resolution saying "It is absolutely vital that the House register its concern and outrage at what's happened over the past several days.

Just as Hezbollah sucked Lebanon into its conflict with Israel in 2006, they now seem determined to force the Lebanese people into their conflict with the authority of the Lebanese state. In their arrogance, Hizballah has finally dropped what all of Lebanon's friends always knew was a mere pretext: Hizballlah is not a Lebanese political actor; it is a wholly owned subsidiary of Iran and Syria. Armed and funded by Tehran and Damascus, Hizballah's goal is the downfall of Lebanese sovereignty, and the restoration of foreign rule."

Ackerman added, "The United States and the entire international community must come to the aid of Lebanon in its hour of need and desperation. Lebanon is as surely the victim of foreign aggression by Hizballah's insurrection, as if it had been invaded by fleets of Iranian aircraft, and waves of Syrian tanks. This aggression against the legitimate, democratically-elected government of Lebanon must not stand. The world community, including the United States, must act deliberately and forcefully to reverse Hizballah's attempted coup."
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