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May 6/2000

Press Release

The CCCLO is fully aware of Dr. Muhamad Mugrab’s pioneering activities in the domain of Human Rights in occupied Lebanon for several years. It is very proud of his outstanding work in defending Lebanese citizens and groups persecuted because of their political and religious beliefs.

The CCCLO denounces strongly Beirut’s regime ongoing mockery and its unlawful attempts to prosecute Dr. Mugraby and infringe on his basic rights.

Dr. Mugraby has been harassed and intimidated lately because he had the courage and the decency to uncover and expose numerous atrocities committed by the Lebanese judiciary system. What he has done, falls within the framework of his duties and obligations as a lawyer and Human Rights advocate. The Beirut System should have rewarded Dr. Mugraby and started an immediate investigation in the issues that he brought to the public, not to turn on him in this revengeful approach.

The CCCLO calls on the UN, Red Cross, Arab league and all Human Rights Organizations to pressure the Beirut regime to put an immediate end to all its unlawful judicial procedures aiming to prosecute and persecute Dr. Mugraby.

The Beirut regime has an international obligation to abide by both the State’s constitution and the Charter of Human Rights. We ask the Free World countries and UN and the Arab League to assume their ethical duties and see that the Beirut regime respects and honors its citizen’s Human Rights, especially freedom of speech.

Media Chairman
Elias Bejjani