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The Lebanese Forces Party

The Political Council

Media Department
July 26, 2000

The Political Council of the Lebanese Forces Party convened to discuss the upcoming general parliamentary elections in Lebanon and issued the following statement:

The rationale behind parliamentary elections, in free and developed countries is to advance democratic practices and renew the political representation of the people. This concept does not apply in Lebanon where since 1992 the parliamentary elections have been transformed into a seasonal campaign to reshuffle and handout power to the same lackeys. The aim of these phony elections is to give the lackeys in power constitutional legitimacy and popular backing which in reality they have always lacked and they can never muster.

A crucial requirement for the participation in the parliamentary elections is for Lebanon to be free, independent and in command of its own decisions without any foreign meddling, interference or control. To participate in the elections in the manner that they are currently conducted and administered is to participate in an elaborate theatrical production in the shadows of the Syrian occupation and its tyrannical security apparatus. These bogus elections will not lead to a true representation of the different Lebanese groups, Christians or Muslims, and will not advance or help Lebanon as a whole. The true intentions behind these phony elections is to encourage people to vote and run for political offices just to give the impression that there are democratic activities in the country while in reality it is premeditated elections where the office winners are predetermined from the lackeys. The winners of these phony elections are counted upon to favorably vote and pass, under the guise of their ill-gotten official status, on very crucial constitutional issues and dangerous proposals that are related to the future destiny, structure and sovereignty of Lebanon while the time and the global political situation is favorable and accommodating.

The Lebanese Forces Party perceives the participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections as a mere stamp of approval of the current chaotic status quo regardless who the candidates are or what their election platforms are. Furthermore, the ramifications of these fake elections will be more erosion and destruction of the principles that we always coveted such as the restoration of Lebanon’s sovereignty, the internal political equality, the restoration of lost freedoms, the freeing of the commander of the Lebanese Forces Dr. "Samir Geagea" from prison, the revocation of the government decree to dissolve the Lebanese Forces Party and the persecution of its members and finally the demand for these vital guarantees:

Freedom of political action for all political parties.

The adoption of fair election rules and regulations that guarantee the formation of voting districts that truly represent the constituents.

The creation of a neutral and nonpartisan Lebanese government which oversees the voting and monitors the integrity of the electoral practices.

The elimination of the latest demographically alterations which were coerced on the Lebanese people such as the fraudulent citizenship granting to non qualified foreigners, the displacement of citizens domestically and the forceful immigration abroad.

Allow the Lebanese Diaspora to practice their constitutional right to vote via Lebanon’s official embassies abroad.

The Lebanese Forces Party appeals to all of its members, sympathizers and all the free Lebanese citizens to make a principled stand and cease to participate in this comedy of an election that makes a mockery out of democracy. The Lebanese Forces Party reassures everyone that it never surrendered its patriotic duties evidenced by its past participation in the municipal, union and academic local elections in spite of the terror and pressure campaigns that were launched against its members by the Syrian controlled government. The Lebanese Forces Party yearns for the day when Lebanon recovers its true freedoms and true political action framework where elections will be held to genuinely serve the Lebanese people. The Lebanese Forces Party takes this patriotic stand in the name of all free Lebanese citizens and all Lebanese voters, including those who are misled, brainwashed, misinformed or being forced to participate against their free will. Furthermore, this patriotic stand is taken in the name of the Lebanese citizens who have the courage to stand up and refute these elections and the citizens who are searching for someone to express their rejection of these fake elections.

The Lebanese Forces Party is the conscience of Lebanon and it shall always remain so.