TOPIC: Human Rights Abuses In Lebanon.

Why should You bother?
BY: Dr. Rachid Rahme
(A lecture delivered during the conference)

2) Lebanon a living laboratory of Pluralism & Multicultural Society
- Not only a question of Morality versus Political and Economic Interests
- But each modern Society carries a Lebanon within it.
-  “More than a country: a mission” (Pope John Paul the Second)
-  Hence Lebanon is both a matter of Morality and Interests
Please allow me first to start by asking why should you really bother about Lebanon and its Human Right record?
Lebanon consists of a living laboratory in which two large communities of different religious background and in more or less equal numbers are sharing the same country. These 2 communities are in turn divided into 17 different Confessions.
Please note that whilst I will be dealing essentially with the rights of the Christian Community in Lebanon, I am absolutely not implying any form of conflicting or adversarial insinuation against any other community in Lebanon.
Moving away from purely academic and philosophical arguments, let me state that Lebanon should not be considered only as a question of Political Morality on one side, versus Political and Economic Interests on the other. It has a much wider scope, because each modern society in our times carries some sort of Lebanon within it. The experience in Lebanon’s Laboratory is unique as a result of the backgrounds and balanced numbers, hence Pope John Paul the Second considers it “more than a country: a mission” and is eager for this experience to succeed. Therefore Lebanon should be considered also as a matter of Political Interest for all countries with pluralistic and multicultural components.

3) Pluralism: Rights of Communities & Rights of Individuals
- Democracy in the Middle East?
- Pluralism versus fundamentalism
-  Freedom: Words versus Deeds
-  Human Rights in Lebanon: Progression versus Regression
Having laid the ground let me quickly address a very important issue: Whilst some interest exist in monitoring Human Right Abuse at the level of the Individual, less attention is brought to bear on monitoring the Human Rights of Communities. Is it really true that the Human Right of communities consist of the summation of the Human Right of its individuals? I do not think so because with Communities we have to consider Specificity's of the group as well as Political, Historical, Sociological, Geo-Demographic and other factors. The Abuse Of Human Rights of Communities is Cumulative with vast and exponential effects.
Therefore it is even more important to safeguard Democracy and Freedom within a Pluralistic society. But can Democracy be achieved in the Middle East? Here again we have an important moral issue of worldwide interest: without Democracy, radicalization and fundamentalism would ravage the oppressed communities and here time is our enemy. This urgent issue should be addressed effectively for also in the Middle East there exists a strange divorce between words and deeds and between the realities and the speeches. The antithesis of fundamentalism resides in Democratic Pluralism.
It is here of importance to observe that within its environment, Lebanon was somehow advanced in the Democratic Process with flourishing essential freedoms. But alas, instead of progressing along that path, we are witnessing a crushing and devastating decline in Democracy and essential freedoms especially after Lebanon became subjected to tight Syrian Dictate.

4) Essential Background
-  Since the Agreement on National reconciliation (Taef 1990): a deliberate Policy on Corrupting and modifying its text and spirit in accordance with the Change in the balance of Power on 3 levels:
-  International
-  Regional
-   Internal
Since the Agreement on National reconciliation (Taef 1990): There was a deliberate Policy on Corrupting and modifying its text and spirit in accordance with the Change in the balance of Power. This occurred on 3 levels:

1-International: The US, who is the master player in the ME, was quite eager to push The Important Peace Process that started in Madrid. This priority did not stop at small details on low priority issues within Lebanon.

2-Regional: There was a total fragmentation of the Regional guarantors of the Taef Agreement: The collapse of the Arab Tripartite Committee, the change in priorities… especially when Syria was allowed to exert its Political and military hegemony over Lebanon, as a direct result of The 2nd Gulf War and the alliance of “Desert Storm” where Syrian participation was much needed.

3-Internal: the weakening of the Political Dynamism of the Christians in Lebanon which in itself guarantees the Internal Lebanese Balance.

Let us now look over the past 9 years and observe the realities of Lebanese Coexistence. We have six facets of Abuse :

9 years later, Observations on the realities of Lebanese Coexistence
- Six Facets of Abuse
- Failure in the return of Refugees to their homes
- Illegal Naturalization
- Marginalization of the Lebanese in the Diaspora.
- Consolidation of flawed Election Laws
- The Continuing lack of National Reconciliation
-  Consolidation of the persecution of Christian Active Parties and Groups

1-Failure in the re-institution of Refugees: This is a continuing huge Human Tragedy now in its ninth year. Although all the Lebanese Communities share the suffering, the Refugee problem displays special social and political sequelae amongst the Christian Refugees of Lebanon. The Deracination and failure in the full return (Social and Political) of Christians occurred not only in the Cases of Baabda, Aley, Shouf, but also in areas of the Bekaa and the North. This led to the destruction of the Geo-Social Continuity of the Christian Community within the Lebanon, and contributed in enhancing “the Minority Complex” amongst the Christians leading to feelings of estrangement within their country. This process was translated by the quasi-total abstention from participating in public life and the ever-increasing trend amongst Christian intellectuals to Emigrate away from Lebanon.

2- Illegal Naturalization: The Government issued the ”Naturalization Decree” only few weeks after the Bombing of The Church in Zouk. The Dust of the massacre could not hide the following facts:

? The real number of newly naturalized Lebanese remains officially unknown. Remembering that the total population of Lebanon is around 3,500,000 and that the Confessional distribution within the Lebanon is more or less equal, Credible independent reports speak of the Government naturalizing more than 350,000 with a vast majority from Syria. The proportions are 80% Moslems and 20% Christians. The reports also speak of the naturalization of 27,000 Palestinians and 12,000 nomads…These newly naturalized “Lebanese” played a pivotal role in the 1996 Lebanese general “elections” backing en masse and by the busload the Government-supported lists of Deputies.

?At the same time the Government refuses to recognize the Political and Civil Rights of permanently settled Lebanese Emigrants (because of their well known Christian majority).

?Please note another form of Vast Demographic pressure caused by the huge numbers of Syrian workers that reside in Lebanon (in 1997 the number was 2,331,634 Syrian nationals).

3. Marginalization of Lebanese temporarily residing abroad,
preventing them from participating in the political process. Let me give two quick examples:

There is great difficulty in registering the descendants of the already- registered Lebanese living temporarily abroad…

The Lebanese in the Diaspora (Christian majority) are not allowed to vote in their embassies…(Whilst the Syrians enjoy this right).

4. Consolidation of flawed Election Laws:
From a grand total of 128 Member of Parliament:

Non-Christians practically elect 49 Christian MPs and all but one non-Christian MPs.

Christians practically elect 15 Christian MPs and only one non-Christian MP (The total Nš of MPs in the Cases of Northern Matn, Keserwan and Byblos).

5. The Continuing lack of National Reconciliation
and hence the lack in the legitimacy of the Lebanese Regime. Please note the continuing decline of Christian representativity within the Lebanese Executive Since the Taef agreement...
Consolidation of the persecution of Christian Active Parties and Groups using all methods available. The vacuum created was filled with a new docile class of “Christian representatives”. Let me give you a few pointers:

It has been 5 years now that Dr. Geagea is illegally detained in Solitary confinement and the Lebanese Forces Party illegally disbanded by decree. The case presented to the Lebanese Courts against the Government, remains unanswered until today (5 years now).

Now in its 8th year, General Aoun’s illegal exile (originally planned for 5 years) continues. The Regime is consolidating this abnormality...

Now 6 years after his last trip to the Lebanon, former president Amine Gemayel remains fearful for his life and security should he return. His requests for normalization of his situation remain unanswered despite all the praises Mr. Gemayel bestowed on the present Regime…

Through continuing Syrian and Lebanese Intelligence interference, all Christian Lebanese Parties were fragmented and paralyzed.

Opposition movements and groups were systematically persecuted and crushed. The LF, the Students and Union Groups, General Aoun’s supporters etc…continue to suffer regular persecution and oppression.
When some “opposition” groups tried to jump onto the wagon of the regime, they were rebuffed and rebuked suggesting that their new moves were neither needed nor appreciated!

Let us now look over the past 9 years and observe the realities of Lebanese Sovereignty:

6) 9 years later, Observations on the realities of Lebanese Sovereignty
? Absence of Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon according to the Taef Agreement (due before September 1992).
? Absence of Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon
? A long list of unbalanced bilateral Treaties & Agreements between Syria & Lebanon
? Despite the inherent differences, imposed interconnectivity between the liberation of South Lebanon and the Syrian Golan Heights.

Absence of Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon: According to the Taef Agreement (due before September 1992). Syrian redeployment out of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, and eventual total withdrawal from the Bekaa and the North, was essentially guaranteed by all the International and Regional sponsors of the Taef Agreement and is evident in all the texts and declarations…This guaranteed promise of withdrawal was obtained as a precondition by the Christian MPs in Taef before they were ready to consider discussing any Constitutional Reform.

Not only the withdrawals did not take place but instead an increase in the number and deployment of the Syrian troops took place in the Christian areas. President Assad declared in August 1998 (6 years after the due date) that the withdrawal of Syrian troops is “open to the request of the Lebanese Regime”! The Lebanese Regime is a satellite of Syrian influence and the Lebanese Army and security personnel now boost a number of around 75,000 used essentially internally to control and oppress the opposition.-

- Absence of Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon leading to an ongoing tragedy of suffering, deracination and        death.

A long list of unbalanced bilateral Treaties & Agreements between Syria & Lebanon. Let me give you two quick examples:

1. According to the latest published official census, the number of Syrian Nationals that entered and remained in Lebanon until the end of September 1997 is 2,331,634.

2. The 1997 Economic Deficit of Lebanon is around 300 Million US$ (444,724 Million Leb. Lira) in favor of Syria…

Despite the inherent differences, imposed interconnectivity between the liberation of South Lebanon and the Syrian Golan Heights. These differences are important:

1-Historical: Israel entered Lebanon in stages especially in 1978 and in 1982 as a direct result of a purely Palestinian-Israeli war, whilst the Syrian Golan Heights were occupied in 1967 as a result of a declared and direct Syrian-Israeli war.

2-Legal :On the Lebanese side, The UN resolutions 425,426 & 520 call for an unequivocal and total withdrawal from all Lebanese territories, a fact accepted in principle by all concerned parties (differences exist in the modalities); On the Syrian side, The Golan falls under the UN resolutions 242 & 338 with the legal qui-pro-quo (pertaining to the difference in the French and English translations of 242), as well as the lack of unanimity in accepting the principles of the resolutions.

3-Practical: On the Lebanese side, a declared willingness from Israel to withdraw from all Lebanese territories according to certain security arrangements; whilst on the Syrian side the Golan falls under strict Israeli laws making it an integral part of Israel. Furthermore, whilst some discussions in Israel are presently taking place on how best to withdraw from South Lebanon; new laws, a two third majority in the Knesset and other deliberations are materializing to consolidate Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights making any change subject to an Israeli public referendum.

4-Pragmatic: In the Golan, Peace reigns on both sides of the Green line with the Syrian Regime assuming the responsibility of preserving the Peace, whilst the South Lebanon is continuously burning with the flames of war…

8) Dr. Samir Geagea: the symbol of a Community under persecution
- The Policy of positive non-participation: Refusing to take part in two governments, Voicing Public Objection on unfair & unpopular Decisions, Refusing to take part and leading an organized political campaign to boycott the 1992 general Elections. Actively working for peace and reconciliation by disbanding the Christian militia.

The Policy of positive non-participation: Since the first signs of the premeditated corruption of the execution of the Taef Agreement, Dr. Geagea opted for a Policy of non-participation by:

1. Refusing to become a Minister in the two Governments of Omar Karame and Rachid Solh.

2-Voicing his Public Objection on unpopular & unfair Government decrees like the flawed “General Amnesty” law, the unbalanced Bilateral Treaties and Agreements with Syria, & the total absence of National Reconciliation etc…

3-Refusing to take part and leading an organized political campaign to boycott the 1992 general Elections. This showed Dr. Geagea as a systematic and strong opponent confronting the predetermined political dictate in its different forms.

4-Opening a new chapter and actively working for peace and reconciliation by disbanding the Christian militia. Please note that until today other militias are swarming in Lebanon like the Hezbollah, Amal and the Pro-Syrian Palestinians.

Dr. Geagea also undertook a Policy of internal Organization and Political Mobilization. Let me give you 3 examples:

9) Dr. Samir Geagea: the symbol of a Community under persecution (2)
- The Policy of Internal Organization and Political Mobilization The Lebanese Forces Party The unification of the Opposition A Political Manifesto opposed to the concepts of feudalism, regionalism and political opportunism.

1-The LF Party: Faced with an imposed Policy of Persecution, Marginalization and loss of the Democratic Process, Dr. Geagea began a wide-ranging campaign of Political Mobilization and internal institutional Organization of the Lebanese Forces Party. This organization was felt on different occasions…

2-The Unification of the Opposition groups as was evident in the Campaign for the boycott of the 1992 Elections and the Unification of all Christian groups around the Maronite Patriarch in Bkerke.

3-Dr Geagea worked to develop a Political manifesto opposed to the concepts and practices of feudalism, regionalism, aggressive confessionalism and political opportunism, factors that he considered as major causes of decline in the Lebanese Political life. This created a popular trend around the LF amongst the intellectuals…

Dr. Geagea is the symbol of a community under persecution also in His Policy towards Syria:

10) Dr. Samir Geagea: the symbol of a Community under persecution (3)
The Policy towards Syria
1. Dr. Geagea does not bargain on Lebanese Sovereignty
2. Dr. Geagea calls for balanced and normal relations based on freedom and independence. Then came the bombing of the Church…

The Policy towards Syria
1-Dr. Geagea does not bargain on Lebanese Sovereignty: In Jan. 1992, Dr. Geagea spoke of his “wish that the coming year would see the restoration of Sovereignty for the Lebanon” (The Syrians were supposed to withdraw by September 1992 at the latest). The same message was carried to Washington and London during his visits to the two countries in February 1992.

2-Dr. Geagea calls for balanced and normal relations based on freedom and independence. This caused increasing pressure to be exerted on him in an attempt to change his position and accept the statu quo but without any success. 

3-Then came the bombing pf the Church. Dr. Geagea was hurriedly and illegally incarcerated in Solitary Confinement. What was the aftermath ?

11) Dr. Geagea in Solitary Confinement. The Aftermath
- The muzzling of the private Media and the attacks on the Freedom of expression (23rd of March 1994).
-  Attacks on fundamental and essential Freedoms
- The illegal Naturalization Decree
- The Flawed General Election Laws
- The taming of all political, Professional, Partisan and Student Unions through persecution and terror.

On the 23rd of March 1994 and immediately after the Church bombing, the Government issued a decree muzzling all political broadcast from the private Media. This continued for many months only to end up in the “organization of The Media” with controlled permits and Censorship that continues until today.

During the same time, the Regime embarked on a series of attacks on fundamental and essential individual freedoms. Please refer to the excellent book available for details. The Judiciary was used as an instrument of Revenge and injustice. The persecution of opposition groups continues until today.

The illegal Naturalization Decree was issued only a few weeks after Dr. Geagea’s incarceration.

The Flawed General Election Laws of 1996 (consolidating the 1992 irregularities)

The taming of all political, Professional, Partisan and Student Unions through persecution and terror.

After 9 years of persecution, what is the position of the LF now. Let me show you some pictures:

12) 9 years of persecution, what next?
Despite all the persecutions, The Lebanese Forces remain the strongest and most organized Christian entity within Lebanon. The LF showed their presence during:
- The Pope’s visit to Lebanon
- The Municipality Elections with 85% success rate in the whole area of Christian distribution
- The Student Elections in Universities and Colleges
- The Professional Unions Elections
- Sporting Events (The Hekme Syndrome)
  Finally let me conclude by reiterating the following :

13) Recommendations (1)
- The Lebanese Problem Concerns You
- The Human Right Abuse is changing the fundamental Characteristics of the Pluralistic Society In Lebanon.
- Dr. Samir Geagea, the Political Prisoner is the symbol of a whole Community under persecution
  And utilizing all possible means at your disposal, however big or small , and

14) Recommendations (2)
After 20 years of War and 9 years of Persecution we ask you to help us secure the bare minimum of Human Rights and stop this terrible decline in the fundamental freedoms in Lebanon. This process should start by exerting all the necessary pressures to free Dr. Geagea and all other political prisoners in Lebanon and work towards ensuring the participation of the political opposition in Lebanon’s political life.